Prep Time10 mins
Cook Time4 hours
Skill Leveleasy

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Beef tallow is one of the hottest commodities in BBQ – it’s not called “liquid gold” for nothing. Today I’m going to teach you how to make beef tallow at home for much less than you’ll pay in the store.



  • 3-4 pounds white beef fat trimmings, brisket trimmings work great


  1. Cut trimmings into small pieces

    Cut down the trimmings into small chunks or place them in a meat grinder to break them down even further. The smaller the pieces, the more tallow you'll get. I always turn the extra fat I remove when trimming a brisket into tallow.

    Use brisket trimmings to make beef tallow
  2. Render the fat over heat

    Heat the fat over low heat for 3-4 hours (or more) to fully render the fat into tallow. I usually put it in a pot or aluminum pan on the smoker as I cook my briskets, but you can render it down in a pot on the stove or even use a slow cooker. The slow cooker method works great to render tallow since you can do it while at work or overnight while sleeping.

    Render beef tallow on smoker
  3. Strain the tallow

    When the fat is done rendering, strain the tallow into a mason jar or container. I use a paper towel and funnel to keep things simple, but you can use a mesh strainer or whatever you like to remove any particles from the tallow. 

    Pour beef tallow into mason jar
  4. Store beef tallow

    You can store beef tallow in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 3 months. I'm sure you'll use it all much sooner though! Once it cools, the beef tallow will turn almost white in color. Check out the notes above for some great ways to use beef tallow.


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